Saturday, February 25, 2012

The shitty turntable:



Orthographic Views



Sunday, February 5, 2012



Retopology test~

Idea for the new project--- I want to add some tattoos...haven't decided where yet. Soon to come!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Another Bug work in Progress, and Ian McKellan :o first time playing with color

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

514,000 polys in. :)

He has a tumor on his back I cant figure out how to get rid of 8(

Sunday, January 15, 2012

ZBrush Tests and Bug Designs

Bug Decision
Decided to go with the rock bug! Time to model him. :)

ZBrush Tests

New program; these are my first tests messing around with it:

ZBrush Messing around.

Bug Designs
Never had to draw bug, other than a butterfly, before. So this is new to me. I practiced first on drawing some real bugs:

Here are some sketches of a few ideas I had.

This one, I was thinking of some sort of Atlantian bug. One that could swim and fly.

This one I went a bit more cartoony--- I rather like it. A bug that basically has it's own landform on it's back. And, as a defense (and for hunting!) he can crouch down and disguise himself as a mossy/grassy rock.